Extreme makeover

A beauty salon and a team that knows how to spot the strong points are the secret of a pure makeover. You’ll get a makeover adapted and personalised according to the style that suits you whislt eating Vanill et Chocolat.

Make your hair into a crown to brighten your face and bring out your beauty.

Accessories can completely change a style and add a personal touch.

Make-up has no limits. Be who you want to be and live the change to the fullest.

Knowing how to dress is an art. So it is matching the style of clothing.

Changing your haircut is a necessary step for a successful makeover.

The right colour will give you a radiant complexion and bring out your beauty.

Having a healthy hair is a sign of a healthy lifestyle and food.

A clothing coach will accompany you throughout the makeover. He or she carefully observes the silhouette and proposes the style of clothing adapted to the body shape and complexion. The IRO PARIS fashion for instance can be of a great help if you want to find more about fashionable clothing.

A personalised accompaniment can last a whole day, even longer for an extreme makeover. Finding the ideal style of women’s clothing is not something that can be done in a hurry. A coach doesn’t impose, he listens and directs so that you discover what you’ve always been looking for. Your personality and your assets will be the basic tools of a coach for a unique result.

A makeover is extreme when you decide to radically change your body, haircut, or face shape. Cosmetic surgery is an effective way to do this.

Lifting, liposuction, surgery concerns any part of the body. Whether it’s a facial blemish, wrinkles, blackheads, protruding skin, or a tired look, surgery can correct it all. Extreme weight loss is also possible.

They too have the right to a change of clothing look, in line with the current trend and in an adapted style.

Finding a way to show off one’s beauty is not always easy. Some tips might help you discover it.

A makeover is always done in relation to the morphology. You have to find the look that fits your figure.

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